Latest news

On our website you will always find the latest published Vivago news, the latest blog posts, and upcoming events.

Vivago and Pontosense Start Cooperation

Vivago Oy is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership with Pontosense to bring the cutting-edge Silver Shield Fall Detection solution to Finland! As a...

We’ve strengthened our team with valuable expertise

On September 30th 2024, Minna Saranpää joined Vivago as an Account Manager.

Vivago Oy announces appointment of new CEO

Henrik Resman has been appointed as the new CEO of Vivago Oy as of 15.8.2023 Niina Vilkas will leave her position as CEO of Vivago and continue as a member of...

Vivago Oy is moving to new premises

Vivago is moving to new premises in Southern Finland in Espoo. The new office is located near our old office with good transport connections. Our new address...

Vivago Oy and Team-Telecom have started cooperation in Switzerland

Vivago Oy, a Finnish healthcare technology company strengthens its presence in Europe by signing a new distribution agreement with Team-Telecom. Team-Telecom...

Vivago Oy starts the year with a new distributor partner in France

Vivago Oy and SARL Sensia begin co-operation in France Vivago Oy, a Finnish healthcare technology company strengthens its presence in Europe by signing a new...

Dosell medication dispensing robot strengthens our offering

Vivago Ltd is a Finnish health technology company offering intelligent safety and wellbeing solutions for preventive care. With the new co-operation agreement,...

New Vivago FIDO™ personal alarm device ready for delivery!

Vivago FIDO™ personal alarm device brings additional safety! Vivago FIDO™ brings additional safety for nurses and other healthcare professionals working in a...