Smart nurse call system provides safety for customers in different care environments

The Vivago solution offers versatile safety and alarm functionalities for different care needs and environments. The Vivago watch, which acts as a nurse call button, allows customers to easily call for help by simply pressing an alarm button. The nurse call system enables care professionals to open a voice connection to the customer's room, providing them with additional information about the customer's need for assistance. Caregivers can also make an additional call for help if needed, and the alarm is automatically forwarded to other caregivers on duty.

Caregivers can receive and acknowledge alarms using the Vivago MOBILE app. A variety of buttons and accessories can be added to the system to increase its versatility and safety.

Hoitaja ja asiakas pyörätuolissa

Measurement of care time

When nurse presses the nurse in button, the nurses presence is displayed in the Vivago software and app. The information is stored in the customer's information and reporting.

Vivago Mobile app brings customers with health issues in top of the list.

Request for additional help and acknowledgement of alarms

With Vivago solution, a nurse can make a request for additional help if needed, which is then passed on to other nurses on duty. Receiving and acknowledging an alarm is easy with the Vivago app.

Smart technology supports care work

Graphical icon for a watch.

Setting an alarm is easy

It is easy for the customer to set an alarm just by pressing a button.
Graphical icon for calling help.

Voice connection with the customer

The nurse can open a voice connection to the customer's room.
Graphical icon for nurse.

information on alarms is always available

Alarms can be received and acknowledged via a mobile app.

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Customer stories

Lempäälän kotokampus käyttää Vivago-teknologiaa hoitotyön tukena.

Vivago technology enables quality care for the elderly at Kotokampus

At Kotokampus nursing home, Vivago's wellbeing data is used to monitor customers' sleep-wake rhythms in real time. Nurses on morning shift start their work in stages, according to the customers’ wake-up rhythm. Also night-time falls have been avoided at Kotokampus.

Team of nurses using Vivago solution in Korso elderly care center in Vantaa.
City of Vantaa

City of Vantaa as a pioneer

The Korso Centre for the Elderly monitors its residents' wellbeing in order to develop its operations and support the everyday life of the residents.