Smart safety and wellbeing solutions for individual needs

The Vivago solution adapts to customers' changing needs and covers the entire care chain, from home care to assisted living, hospitals, and rehabilitation.

Our solutions offer nurse call functionality, real-time wellbeing information, personal safety features, and a care phone, among many other safety-enhancing features, all in one system. Healthcare professionals have access to a real-time snapshot of a customer's wellbeing and functional capacity.

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Elderly woman in home care

Home care

Our home solution supports safe and independent living at home and develops home care services.
Ikäihminen ja hoitaja yhdessä

Assisted living

Vivago solution for assisted living adapts to the needs of the customer and the service provider.
Elderly woman in rehabilitation with a nurse.

Rehabilitation and discharge

Tools and reports enable individual monitoring, diagnosis, and support for rehabilitation.
Elderly woman together with a nurse and a doctor.

Hospitals and care centres

Keeping customers safe and monitoring their functional capacity automatically and reliably.
Lukuhetki tuetussa palveluasumisessa

Disabilities and mental health rehabilitation

Our solution creates a safe living environment for customers and supports their daily routines.

Support for care resourcing and tools for better care

Graphical icon for acute hospital care.

Right allocation of care resources

Customers in need of care are identified, changes in their condition can be addressed quickly and the need to move to unplanned acute care is reduced.
Graphical icon for nurse.

Support for care resourcing and working shift planning

Nurses' working shifts can be planned according to, for example, the wake-up rhythm of customers.
Graphical icon for caring.

More time for care work

Smart technology improves the efficiency and timeliness of care work. This allows the care professionals to focus on the customer.
Doctor clicking on medical icons on a screen.

The Vivago software has medical device approval

The Vivago solution provides reporting tools and analytics for customer-specific monitoring and tracking the effectiveness of care and medication. The solution is used to monitor the customer's symptoms, pain, and illnesses, and to support the care the customer receives.

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Customer stories

Elderly man standing in front of a group of elderly people.
Case George

Monitoring bipolar disorder – Monitoring of functional capacity improved George’s quality of life

George is an 81-year-old man who lives at home and suffers from bipolar disorder. A regular rhythm of life, identification of predictive symptoms and timely intervention are important in this disease.

Case Ann

Insulin shock – Ann was saved by an automatic alarm

Ann lives in sheltered housing. She is 77 years old and suffers from diabetes, which is treated with insulin. During the night, her blood sugar levels dropped and she lost consciousness in her sleep.

Frequently asked questions