Safe and independent living at home

Vivago's care phone and home solution develops home-based services and facilitates the work of home care. Smart technology helps to plan home care visits and schedule them around the customer's rhythm. Service combines technology that monitors the safety of the customer, the alarms it generates, and a professional's assessment of the customer's need for assistance.

The Vivago solution identifies customers in need of care, allows for rapid intervention in the event of changes in their condition, and reduces the need for unplanned acute care. Alarms and notifications of changes in customers wellbeing and functional capacity enable rapid intervention and referral to care. Alarms can be directed, for example, to the treating unit or to an alarm centre.


Elderly and a younger woman sitten outside.

Peace of mind and independent living for the elderly.

For the customer, setting an alarm is as simple as pressing a button. In case of an alarm, the nurse can open a voice connection to the customer's home and get information about the customer's need for help.

Read more about Domi care phone
Vivago Mobile application with customer realtime data

An easy-to-use solution to support home care professionals.

Caregivers can receive and acknowledge alarms and view changes in a customer's wellbeing in real-time. The Vivago MOBILE app is carried on the nurse's smartphone and real-time information is always available.

More about wellbeing measurement

Vivago solution brings safety to home

Graphical icon for caring.

Unique safety

The Vivago solution learns the user's normal circadian rhythm and reacts to changes in it.
Graphical icon for bell and an alarm.

Automatic alarm

Solution sends an automatic alarm if the user is unable to call for help e.g., in case of unconsciousness.
Graphical icon for data and curve view.

Monitoring of functional capacity and wellbeing

Information about changes in the customer's wellbeing is automatically transmitted to the care professionals.

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Customer stories

Lempäälän kotokampus käyttää Vivago-teknologiaa hoitotyön tukena.

Vivago technology enables quality care for the elderly at Kotokampus

At Kotokampus nursing home, Vivago's wellbeing data is used to monitor customers' sleep-wake rhythms in real time. Nurses on morning shift start their work in stages, according to the customers’ wake-up rhythm. Also night-time falls have been avoided at Kotokampus.

Ikäihminen ja hoitaja yhdessä
City of Rauma

Vivago in the discharge unit in the city of Rauma

The Rauma discharge team specializes in demanding home discharge and care assessment cases after a ward period for the elderly. The team sees that Vivago has the potential to monitor the progress of rehabilitation customers also in the future.