Reliable safety and wellbeing solutions

The versatile Vivago solution provides nurse call, personal safety, wellbeing measurement, and wandering control in one system. The nurse call buttons available to patients, as well as the system's automatic alarms and notifications of changes in patients' wellbeing, provide reliable safety. In the event of an alarm, the nurse can open a voice connection to the room to obtain further information about the patient’s need for assistance.

Vivago’s personal safety service helps to build a safe working environment for care professionals.

Timely care and quick response to changes in patients' wellbeing

Real-time wellbeing data can be used to monitor changes in patients' health status and wellbeing, as well as to measure the effectiveness of care interventions and medication. This measured information allows for quick intervention in case of changes in the patient's wellbeing and reduces the need for unplanned acute care. This enables the efficient allocation of care resources and leads to cost savings.

The Vivago solution reduces the need for night-time rotations of nurses on wards and supports timely care. Nurses can see which patients are sleeping and where there is a need for a nurse. This allows them to assist the patients at the right time without unnecessarily disturbing their sleep. Timely night-time care can, for example, reduce or prevent falls during the night.

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Tools for care resourcing

Smart technology helps identify patients in need of assistance and thus targets care resources to the right place, saving professionals' time. Caregivers can plan their work for the morning and night shifts according to the wake-up rhythms of the patients.

Nurse working in a care institute and looking an ipad.

Safety for the care professionals

Alarms, location data, and determining safe and free areas for the patients help to create a safe working environment for the care personnel.

Read more about personal safety

Reliable safety for customer’s and care professionals

Graphical icon for bell and an alarm.

Smart safety solution

The Vivago solution offers a wide range of functionalities, including nurse call, personal safety, and wandering control, all in one system.
Graphical icon for an elderly man.

Follow-up of patients' wellbeing and functional capacity

24/7 data and automatic alarms on changes in patients' wellbeing and functional capacity support preventive care.
Graphical icon for hospital care.

Medical device approval

Data generated by the Vivago solution can be used to support diagnosis, care planning and effectiveness of care and medication.

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Customer stories

Nurse taking care of an elderly woman.
City of Pori

Pori embraces Vivago analytics and wellbeing information

With Vivago solution, both the discharged patients and the patients in the ward and are now under continuous monitoring 24/7.


Pioneering rehabilitation with age-friendly technology

A new assessment and rehabilitation unit ARVO has been established in the hospital of Hatanpää in the city Tampere. The unit serves regular home care customers. Utilizing age-friendly technology to support care was a goal in the unit right from the start. The Vivago system was on the procurement list well in advance when the new unit was being planned.